My photo
I'm a old school new age wedding photographer sharing my insights and outsights of weddings I shoot and my eye of the world we live in! I believe in lots of things including love. The joy of life and celebrations. I strive to document your wedding in a interesting introspect as I partake your festivities.

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Superman & Wonderwoman union

Meiling getting ready, makeup by Kelly, whom we all work with for their pre-wedding as well!

Its part of the anti smoking campaign, not! Stuffed into these cigarettes boxes are delicious rolls of yummy food prepared by the sisters!

The sisters also made a combination of rotten stuff to hide the keys from the superheros!

Beautiful backlit portrait of the bride!

Meiling putting on her shoes, time to meet the superheros!

Chris (aka Superman) and his super-friends gyrating to the tune of Macho Machoman!

Superman putting his foot into things while Batman receive his Bat signal to proceed upstairs.

Superman putting on combat camouflage and brave the Sisters of Wonder Woman.

The Venom getting his hand with marriage from help from Cyclops

Turning Gay is one of the many tributes to getting Wonderwoman's hand in marriage, Gambit lends his check to Superman...

Batman getting his kiss of approval from Superman...

Green Lantern got a spanking good time from Superman...

 Of course kids are spared but they get a free joyride from Superman!

Meiling swept Chris off his feet, on their way to the Bridal car.

Its was a rainy morning! Very interesting to cover as we stumble for cover and find our shots.

Chris mum was in tears when his boy has already grown up and ready for his next stage of life.

Chris swinging and flinging the view after removing it from Meiling!

The couple making their way back to Meiling's apartment, lips locked and sealed!

Even windows are of no deterrence to the newly weds!

The couple enjoys a light moment during the solemnization ceremony.

And some couple pictures before the entourage proceeds to the banquet halls.

A brother double up as photographer to get snapshots for guests wellwishes!

The Major awaiting for this moment for a very long time, as shown  in his hands.

The march in with the Sword-of-Honor in the foreground.

Chris helps Meiling on her hairdo, what a sweet moment.

The couple take a peep at the morning express highlights courtesy of Substance Films!

 Friends blessing the couple with cheers of Yum Seng!

What an ordor!

Chris gets excited after Meiling gropes his bottoms!

And gets the right bottom right!

Great speech from the couple whom introduced the newly weds!

"Batman" plays with his  snow-globe as the night dwindes down!
Thanks for putting in so much effort in your wedding and making it a great celebration! Alvin and myself enjoyed ourselves alot in your wedding! See both of you soon!

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