My photo
I'm a old school new age wedding photographer sharing my insights and outsights of weddings I shoot and my eye of the world we live in! I believe in lots of things including love. The joy of life and celebrations. I strive to document your wedding in a interesting introspect as I partake your festivities.

Monday 23 August 2010

Nichol & Eddy wedding celebrations

I started the morning at Nichol's home, a beautiful place that we also featured in their pre-wedding shoot earlier!

A few wedding artifacts, somewhat traditional in the sense, as Alyce mentions, when we see coconuts present. This practice is rather uncommon today, Cool!

As Eddy travels alot, the luggage tag is an essential piece of wear whenever he goes.cole
Nichol's veil, on a 70s armchair!

Yeah, what a great way to fly!

Here comes the groom, all dress in black and yellow!

Strike a posee!

Say I Love You in 100 languages! No problemo!

Yes! Come in dear, take me away!

The couple finally unites!

Nichol getting ready at the St Regis Hotel

Paying their respects to Nichol's ancestors

Check out the bling bling!

Eddy in his Arabian outfit!

Nichol in her beautiful number! Look at the colours!

Nichol during the Nikah ceremony.

Couple getting ready, its showtime!

The ballroom is beautifully decorated!

The couple receiving their guests!

Its was Nichol's parents 33th wedding anniversary as well! They have chosen the same day to wed as their parents and I had a big part to play in this! I put together a slideshow of their wedding day, so wonderful that both Michael and Katherine enjoyed it!

Here comes the couple!

Its a great celebration and rightly so after 13 years of courtship, lots of highs and lows, ups and downs!

And the crowd cheers!

What a great party!

Eddy & Nichol's first dance! Thank you guys for the great party on the 26th of June! Im so glad to be part of it!


Unknown said...

Thanks Gilbert for making our Big Day such a fantastic one. We are really glad that it was you who captured those special moments for us.We are also delighted to have found a new friend in you.We cannot thank you enough...Take care and all the best....Love Eddy & Nichol

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great wedding party going on there! So colourful and everyone looks so well dress and immaculate! Great job Gilbert!

marquee hire said...

Weddings abound and many are now focusing more closely on issues such as fashion, decoration and even the transport carriages to classic and modern muscle cars. Community forums and even online are great resources for ideas and best deals on simple things like envelopes in wine glasses engraved and well more.While every wedding is unique in its own name, with decorations, gifts and original themes can be quite difficult, especially for those who have large families or those assigned to work in planning or organizing these events, participating in more than a few ceremonies each year.