My photo
I'm a old school new age wedding photographer sharing my insights and outsights of weddings I shoot and my eye of the world we live in! I believe in lots of things including love. The joy of life and celebrations. I strive to document your wedding in a interesting introspect as I partake your festivities.

Friday 4 March 2011

Jayce & Stella @ Raffles Hotel

We just completed Stella and Jayce shoot in the beginning of the week and it was very satisfying session to begin with. You see, when Stella & Jayce approached us a few months ago,  they had collected a series of works for the mood boards and we had the most amount of images that  they love! Its was a great feeling that our works align to their favour and that made me want to work harder and push more within the 4 hours coverage we had with them. I added humor and some portraits that was missing in their mood boards and I felt it added a little more touch to Jayce personality  as a warm funny guy. With my secret pal and Wanling, Jayce's sister helping, I had a great support and it made shooting a breeze! There are lots more I like to show but I wanted to keep some images to excite the both of you! See you next week to our visit to our new home!

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