My photo
I'm a old school new age wedding photographer sharing my insights and outsights of weddings I shoot and my eye of the world we live in! I believe in lots of things including love. The joy of life and celebrations. I strive to document your wedding in a interesting introspect as I partake your festivities.

Thursday 11 September 2008

this world is living too fast

I really lament the pace of life that we are living now. Everyone wants instant things, instant results, instant photography....

I really admire photographers who could whip out a express highlight between a few hours of their break time to showcase everyone their vision in the morning for dinner as an outlet to 'entertain' their evening guests. Its just show technology is so advanced and the its also an tool to "sell" your services to an "ready audience"

I beg to differ from this practices, working in the afternoon greatly diminish my rest time and this will affect my focus for the evening shoot. I have the same type of mindset when I shoot in the morning, I need all the focus, time and energy to observe and craft out the interesting and exciting images I like my clients to have a visual memory of.

I prefer to catch my breath, backup my data (i think its so much more important), and have a peaceful meal with my wife so that I could recharge and be myself again in the evening.

So what if I miss a few deals, I make my client excited about the product after the entire project is completed, with faith that the evening photography is not compromised.

Also I would like to take this chance to express that we prefer more pro-family approach to living our lives. As weddings take up most of my weekends, I would like the non wedding weekends to be dedicated to my family and friends. We will not meet clients on weekends, our meeting days are only from Mondays to Thursdays. I hope most of my clients understand, we only live our life once, and we would like to focus equally on both my loves ones and my passion for work.

I understand most couples work around the weekdays we have facilitated them meeting us after hours on weekdays, a feat that already made me work more than 55 hours a week, so be nice and leave the free weekends to ourselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hear ya!