Its just sweet that a couple do not just want beautiful memories of themselves but rather re-create a part of their history for their pre-wedding. I just love to do life-style pre-wedding shots and enjoy the process of been part of the couples' lives, however small it may be. They have met in NUS and we re-created the highlights of their courtship and the proposal!
Here is a story of our next couple, a sweet tale of their lives, Enjoy.
Hey Gilbert and Alyce!
Just wanted to drop a note of appreciation for the experience in our pre-weddings shots. A year ago if you had told me that a photoshoot could be fun and an experience in itself, I would not have believed you. Thanks for proving that wrong, we had such an enjoyable (though a little tiring) time! Thanks also for making the "tiredness" worthwhile - we love the shots you took of us, primarily because you made us look so good... haha! Many years down the road I believe my beloved wife and I will still take time to look through these photos - they have a certain timelessness about them, thanks to your expert hands. Cheers, and God bless.
hi guys! hope you enjoy it, when i saw both your smiles during the collection of your pre-wedding albums, it made my heart melt and I'm so excited to be part of your wedding on 6th December!
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