My photo
I'm a old school new age wedding photographer sharing my insights and outsights of weddings I shoot and my eye of the world we live in! I believe in lots of things including love. The joy of life and celebrations. I strive to document your wedding in a interesting introspect as I partake your festivities.

Saturday 7 June 2008

fresh like the morning flowers

Wow, after a very early night, i woke up today at 2am searching for sources of inspiration and i finally come to terms with my work.

I think its rather organic, I have hardly walk into a wedding with pre-conceive ideas of how i'm going to approach the shoot. I have been shooting with an open mind for a while now, to try to get new angles and try something different each time. New people new ideas always work for me.

I'm making some subtle changes to our workings in the next month or so, simply because an artist needs his canvas to explore and grow. I do not feel comfortable sitting with what I have learnt thus far and we plan to expand our creative envision. 

The last few months Alyce and I spent a fair bit of molah on traveling and buying lots of cool magazines, mostly fashion inspired art magazines. Its was a chore to carry them (heavy) but its was a great eye opener to me to be able to infuse these ideas into weddings, esp pre weddings where we can control a fair bit of how and what we like to portray our clients to be.

I have just re-read my own blog and thought to ourselves, its not the best images that attracts our clients but rather a different approach, using one feelings to convey the stories that each couple shares with me.

I find my job rather fulfilling and magical in some aspects, somehow my work will out-live long after I'm gone. Some kids one day will bother to locate their parent's wedding pictures and re-tell the stories that I have tried to document, and other perhaps and maybe-just maybe have an exhibition in the honour of our art, alongside with our weddings. Haha, wishful thinking on that I suppose.

Oh, by the way, this week's work was hampered when we gotten in 2 brand new workstations. The gizmos were great, we were just hampered by all the new tools and trying to customize it to suit our needs better.

This post is still done by my all time favourite, the 12" PowerBook.

Yes, time to continue my sleep.

good nite.

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