I'm a old school new age wedding photographer sharing my insights and outsights of weddings I shoot and my eye of the world we live in! I believe in lots of things including love. The joy of life and celebrations.
I strive to document your wedding in a interesting introspect as I partake your festivities.
Life in monochrome, its fun and fantastic! Its awhile since I last shot in Mandarin Oriental and i miss the place quite a bit. The wedding was split into 2 days and I had great fun capturing all the story of 2 old friends. Why old? Weihao visited us a year ago and since I have shot 2 weddings where he attended and he has understand how we work and its has a breeze to capture him during his turn.
Weiming & Caroline's wedding happened over the weekend and we were very honoured to chosen to cover their wedding!
Everything was as grand and beautiful as Zhing from Spellbound Weddings made out to be. Caroline's house was a visual treat as her mum made special attention to details and when we arrived at Shangri-la, the pavillion was decorated in picture perfect tones of colour, using candles, flowers and the excellent weather that previlled in their wedding!
Here are some mini previews of Jason & Carol wedding 2 weeks ago! Its was a blast and everyone had a great time! Its been a while when i see a full entourage of brothers and sisters gate crush. More to come in the mean time, enjoy!
Transported back in time as we revisited the old ways of portrait photography in the peranakan theme shoot! The museum is so grand and the artifacts of the yesteryears are so beautiful and well preserved.
We started our campaigns for this shot on their respective workplaces. Damian a creative professional, has lots of toys, and interesting clutter in this workplace while Liana beautiful gourmet market has lots of character and equally gorgeous lawn for some of our shots.